Saturday, August 27, 2005


I feel downcast and desolated
Trapped within these boundless walls
I endure distress which is too sober
In these agony of tears that flow

My passion for you was ambiguous
It was absurd and downright inept
Still it was without doubt
That you have captured my guiltless heart

I don’t exist in your complex world
To you I’m evanescent
Like a wind you just passed by
Hardly recognized, yet felt

Too many times you capitulated me
I assumed that you were just perplexed
You led me to believe that you were true
How oblivious of me to fall

Through the depths of my shattered heart
I cried out loud for you
I waited patiently for your response
The deafening silence only came

Because of your arrogance I’m here
Staring at these endless walls
I’m in a stupor that’s interminable
I see nothing at all

by arafella 2005


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