Friday, July 01, 2005

I'm damn tired ryt this moment..................... weehhhhhh.... u know why????? it was the first day of our 13th foundation day this past afternoon..... my feet hurts and my back aches... but nonetheless, I really had a good time this day.. Let me tell you flashbacks about what happened this past afternoon....

On the morning, I went to school in my school uniform (can u imagine, we even have to wear our school uniforms on a no-class day. ~~sheesh!) well, we have to look scholarly and all anyway... whatever!

There was a mass in the gym in the morning followed by very long and tiring series of speeches... Can you imagine there were like 5 speeches... and even a 3 hour long lecture(ugh!) Police officials even went to our school to start their motorcade to celebrate their 10th year.. (bummer.) It wouldn't be so bad if we weren't told to get up from our seats to give to the guests... (try to smile.. no matter what!) hehe...

Well, after that was the eating portion where about 7 food establishments went to our school to sell food. We used food chits to buy food.. what a very whatever idea! no comment anyways coz it wasn't so bad coz we don't have to wait for our change.

~~~zoom to the afternoon~~

We prepared and arranged our booth which was called H2O Extreme Raw Rumble. here are the mechanics anyways. (don't want to 4get that..)

Mechanics for in-house play:
1.You need at least 4 persons to play.
2.First, rent our H2O cage where you can rumble to death.
3.Then, buy your ammunitions for as low as P2.00 or as high as P10.00 for a very destructive weapon.
4.So now that you’re armed for danger, get in the cage and fight to the end!
5.Protective gears are provided for free.

Mechanics for Human Damage:

1.First, list the name of your friend or enemy in our torture notebook.Pay P10.00 so that we can start the hunt for him/her.

2.If the target is caught, he/she has the choice of bailing out for P20.00 or being water-tortured to the point of injury…

3.If you don’t want your friend or enemy to bail, just pay the additional P10.00 for the NO MERCY ASSAULT.

*Note: Some of the words here are EXAGGERATED for display purposes only.hehhe..

stupid but fun, ryt? Well anyways, our booth was such a big hit! Only 1 group rented our H20 cage to rumble, the others just bought icing on plates and water balloons to throw to their friends and enemies.. wahahhhhAA!!!! We were really busy. Our products sold really fast. We had to go back and forth to the girls dorm to fill up balloons with water.... whugh... talk about extreme tiring... The fun part was when we ourselves bought our icing plates and water balloons and smudge them into each other's faces.... hahahahahhh!!!SUPAh fUNNN!!! 2 da max!

Our products really sold out and we had a lot of profit money! woohooo!!!By the way, we also had an encore booth called MISSION: Wafawafa... but our beautician Madam Noel hid bcoz a lot of people are going to chain and jail him/her... hehehhe..... this booth was stupid. period.

After all the extreme, stupendous, exciting, wonderful, fantastic, blah blah blah fun... We bought food while our outfits were smudged with icing, flour and water.... talk about major head-turner... hehhehe....

I'm now typing here at home, reminiscing the past events.

**rrrrinnNGGG!!!*****My dad just called from Canada... so glad to hear from him... hehhe...

I just hope that tomorrow on the 2nd day of our 13th foundation day would be a lot funner and there would be lots of icing!


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