Saturday, June 25, 2005


My mood is up and down for this day
I dislike the weather today… It’s cold.. brrr…It’s raining outside and I hate thunderstorms!!! Waahhh... I freak out when I hear a very loud one… like now! Even if computers are greatly affected by lightning, I still surf the net… oohh.. I’m scared.. really!
I also have a cold today… **sniff! sniff!!**.. I had to take a stupid medicine tablet… And I hate it… boooh…..
But Hey, on the good side I have the computer for one whole day coz my bro and sis weren’t here at the house this whole day… I was able to make my website too..for only one whole day!! And I’m so happy with the results!!
*cough**cough* I rarely get sick anyway but this is killing me… not really.. hehe..
Gotta go.. =)
P.s. visit my website...
the address is below... I've already posted it..


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