Saturday, June 25, 2005


Summer is finally getting over!
That means I need to go back again to my DREADED school!
Summer was fun but at times bOring!
But not as boring as school Days!
Lets see…
This is the first time I wrote in my blog, so that means I didn’t get a chance to record the past events and days that happened… or months…
Here’s a quick preview…(this is only what my mind is capable of remembering…)
After regular school days were over, we were all still busy signing up our clearances!! After the recognition, I went home here in Kalibo coz it was my Mom’s birthday! (but I still haven’t finished my clearance that time!)
….So I had to wait for that week to pass and then I went back to my school(aargh!)! I waited all day in school for the some teachers to sign…. Imagine, I was going back again to Kalibo that afternoon. So I had no choice but to WAIT…. And I hate WAITING!!! Plus there wasn’t even food in the cafeteria!!!!!!!! So again no CHOICE…. But suffer the hunger…
…Good thing some of my friends were still there… or else I could have gone wacko waiting there all by myself…
…tick tock.. tick tock… hours passed… doing nothing but talking to my friends and constantly on the lookout for some teachers….
….finally, the dreaded clearance was over!!! Whew!!! Here comes summer time!
The Month April
I was stuck in house with nothing to do… My dad gave me a job in his office. Well, it wasn’t exactly a job because I quitted after 2 days…hehe…. I mean, I’ve been working every summer there! I’m getting tired of it!
…So again, I was stuck at home….
…hmm…maybe not!.... I remember….
My cousin from
Canadabut studies medicine in
Manilanow, Manang Aila, went to Kalibo to visit us. And you could imagine that probably all of us spoke in English that time…
….There were also constant parties every night held in different houses when she was there… That means non stop eating! and chatting…
…fuzzy peach! Yum!....
April 1, 2005
It was my grandma’s 88th birthday! The dela Cruz clan is sort of a big clan so there were many people.
The afternoon before, my siblings, cousins and I were there to decorate and prepare….
We made colorful and shiny buntings and hung them everywhere….
The grandchildren, and I mean Us, were supposed to prepare a presentation for Lola Susing’s birthday! But we totally forgot it! (okay, we were just lazy..)… Good thing my cousins made a good impromptu song which has the tune of
(coz my lola was 88 years old… duh?!)
It went something like this… oh no… I forgot the lyrics… never mind…
…Days after her birthday, my cousin M. Aila flew back to
… I practiced badminton in the court almost everyday with my mom and siblings….
… I also tried walking as exercise EARLY with my mom and dad in the morning around the park….
April 14, 2005
It was my sister, Donna’s 4th birthday… We prepared a party…. They said I was the coordinator of the party…. Aargh!
..but a day before the party…
….I scrubbed the man made waterfalls and grounds in the house front.…**whew**
At least I did something (that’s what my parents used to say)
Okay, maybe I have to give credit to my younger bro and sis too.. they also helped!
….the party went okay… the waterfalls worked! And yes the ground was spotlessly clean. (exaggeration a bit)
... I went to Sampaguita almost everyday to improve my swimming skills ….
… plus we had a dvd marathon almost every weekend…
…My mom announced that she would bring me and my older sister with her to
.. so we prepared…
April 24, 2005
The day of the flight… My mom’s plane was PAL… Unfortunately, it was already full so my sister and I had to ride another plane by ourselves…
…. We were confused at first because that was the first time I have ridden a plane with NO PARENTS!
…but it turned out easy and Okay… piece of cake! Hehe
We landed about
11 pmat the airport… Tita Monic and Tito Jun were already there waiting to pick us up!
We went to our condo unit in

..then watched tv…..
Mom arrived an hour later in
Manilacoz her flight was
11 pm.
That afternoon, we went to
Greenbeltto do some walking around and window shopping… It was really nice considering the mall they had back in
Then we got hungry and grabbed some coffee shakes and pizza in Figaro.. real neat…
After the trip to
Greenbelt, we went to Market! Market! It was also a great mall! There we met up with Tito Manong and Tita Ellen. They have like a part where you can haggle some things for less….
..We shopped a little and then headed to The Fort to grab some dinner!
April 25, 2004
We packed our things in the morning coz we were gonna check-in in Hyatt Hotel… The room was really grand and nice! But the best part is that our stay there was completely free coz it was sponsored by a drug company because of mom’s convention…
…Mom went to PICC for her pediatric convention and we were left in the room.
…Good thing they have a DVD PLAYER there!!!!!!!!!!!! Woohoooo!!!!
That night we went to Robinsons Malate(it was only two blocks away from Hyatt) And met up with our uncle…. We had dinner at Dencios inside the mall…. Yumm!
..after that we went to National Bookstore to buy some books….
….After that, we ate at Go Nuts! Donuts! They have the best donuts there!
April 26, 2004
Next day, my mom went to her convention…
While our uncle treated us to a day out…
We went first to Rockwell Mall and roamed around… We ate lunch at
Tokyo… I tried some sushi... and it was okay but a bit not my taste…. But the red iced tea was the best!
Then, we went to Shangri-La Mall and roamed around again… We grabbed some coffee shakes at Starbucks and then headed off…
We planned to go to Quiapo to buy some dvds….
… the MRT…
..It was my first time to ride in the MRT and I thought it would be cool to experience it…. The train was full of people and we had to stand and hold on the rails… at least it was air-conditioned…
the train had to stop at certain places to pick up passengers.
…..after the MRT…
I thought it would also be okay coz the MRT was okay too…. But… oh no! The air conditioner was broke in that particular train…. And it was so hot….
….Our stop was bit a farther away so we had to bear with the heat…..
finally, whew!!!!!!
Out at last in that sick and hot train!!!!
Quiapo also known as the black market, as you would expect it, is messy, and full of people! I had to watch out for snatchers! Oh men!
We arrived at a building full of fake dvDs and bought some….
..Some movies were only showing in the theaters that time but they have it which was really cool and we got a good deal for our money...
…..We took a taxi to Hyatt… and rested….
….That night, we had dinner with an agent sponsoring pediatricians…
(I forgot where but near Hyatt)
…I agree with my sis that the agent does look cute and chinito… but he was like 10 years older…
….Dinner again! The best part again was that it was a buffet dinner and you get to choose what you eat!
...we walked home to Hyatt coz it was only 3 blocks away…EXERCISE!
April 27, 2005
We packed our things coz we were gonna check out that day by lunchtime… the offer stay in the hotel only lasted for 2 days… boohoo…..
…But before
noon, we went with mom to her Pediatric Convention in PICC…
…There were also tons of freebies there from different drug companies! I mean good freebies! Really!
…but the worst part was there was a really long line!!!!!!!! So we didn’t grab some freebies and that was okay because Mom already got freebies the day before…
…After that, we checked out of the hotel and went back to the condo… We stayed there almost all afternoon….
…I watched SMALLVILLE episodes in dvd!!!!!!!!!!! Woohooooo!!!!!!! It’s the best show ever! I really like that show! Go
Kent! Woohoo Lex Luthor!
Okay….stop me…
April 28, 2005
This was the best day of the trip!!!!!!!!! ENCHANTED KINGDOM!!!!!!!
My companions were my mom, uncle, sis and her classmate….
….We went to Tagaytay that morning because E.K. opens at
2 pm…
We went to People’s Park in the Sky.. and you could see the Taal Volcano from up there!
….We also went horse-backed riding… I was a bit afraid though when I was riding but it soon faded away coz it was fun...
……We went to an overlooking restaurant to have lunch but unfortunately, it was closed. So, we went to the restaurant beside it… but at first glance I told my mom that it was not a nice place and suggest we find another restaurant ….On the car, I told them that the truth was I got freaked out by an old woman who had very long hair there…. they also felt the same way… and besides the place was not clean…
Finally, we went to another restaurant overlooking

Taaltoo…. I was glad we moved because, believe me, it was a thousand times better then the previous one… The place had a great ambience and tiled floors… plus there was even a singing group….

….After lunch, we headed to
Kingdom… was still close when we got there but we waited only a few minutes…..
Then….. 4, 3, 2, 1….
Enchanted Kingdom! Here we come!
We first rode Bump Cars….F-U-N…
Then, Roller Skates….EXCITING…
Then, Anchors Away….HEART-PUMPING…
Then……… it RAINED!!!!!!!!!!!
We went inside and played….
It was still raining when we finished playing. There were no umbrellas left.
So, we R-A-N!!!
Through the rain…
We stopped at a waiting shed to catch our breaths…then, ran again to
We went inside
Rialtoand watched UFO…. WHOA!
When we got out, the rain already stopped.
Next, to 4d Discovery Theater…SHOCKING!
Then, Flying Fiesta….. NICE!
We then went to Jungle Log Jam…..THRILLING!
Then, the
Rio GrandeRapids…. SOAKING WET!
We decided to try Bump and Splash.. It’s like bump cars but in the water…..
Bump and Splash…. SPASHY!
Wheel of Fate…. COOL!
That was our last ride…
On our way home, we stopped and ate at Yellow Cab! They have the best pizza!
April 29, 2005
Mom’s flight was that day. Ours was the next day.
My sis and I moved from the condo to our Tita Ellen’s house to spend the night there. They were so warm and welcoming. The room we stayed was nice and colorful too.
Plus they had lots of chocolates!
April 30, 2005
Tito Jun came early morning to pick us up.
He toured us around.
Our flight was at
1:30 pmthat day.
So, we had time to eat lunch…
We went to The Podium and ate lunch at Burgoo’s.
The food was really great!!!!
…We went to the airport at around
1 pm…
….but…. when it was
1:30… there was an announcement that our flight was DELAYED!!!!! Aargh! They said to wait at
2pm… again, DELAYED!!! They said to wait at
We were so tired of waiting….. but guess what??? Our plane arrived at nearly
2:30 pm.
So much for waiting…..
We rode the plane…
….Go home….
…back to my old hobbies again…
….swimming and badminton…..
….meet up with cousins….
….watch SMALLVILLE episodes!!!!!!!.........
May 9, 2005
I’m constantly doing the website of my dad’s company….
….which I think I’m doing okay….
….See ya!....


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