Friday, January 20, 2006

i'm sleepy....

ummm... nothing really exciting happened today... uh, it was our humanities day in our school day and boy, was it so boring... we had nothin' better to do than practice for our presentation. We sort of presented a stupid(pardon...) love poem in a verse choir kind of way. Can you believe it? I was even one of the persons who are supposed to do the drama acting thing... and jeez... I looked (i guess...) pathetic and 'duh uh' in a nineteen forgotten outfit. On the other hand, 'twas cool 'coz I wasn't part of the verse choir. I now swear that it was the last time I will ever agree to play such a 'whatever' role... pardon again... lol.

On the other hand, I just might think about it... If the situation counts for it.... I mean, if I'm paired with someone as cool and hot as Tom Welling.... I'll take the part! immediately.. lol.

so damn tired... i'm bored... just finished pimping up my friendster profile.... haven't done that since ages ago... and I decided to be a great big sister by beautifying (if that's what you call it) my younger sister's friendster profile...

uhuh.. and I've been catching up on giving out testimonials to my ever so loving friends.. lol...

according to the trusty computer clock, it says it is now 10:40 PM..
my eyes are really tired.. i need to rest.. don't know why I'm doing this blogging thing..
what the heck... (pardon again).... :)

uh, i forgot. something really embarassing happened to me yesterday.... I want to tell it right now but my eyes can't just take it anymore.. I guess I'll write about it in my next blog entry.. :)

....what's with the smileys :)??????


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