Thursday, January 05, 2006

Home is where the heart is..

Hey guys! How was your Christmas break? I hope you enjoyed it. Even though many of my classmates say that they had a boring time because they had nothing to do. For me, it was the exact opposite. No, no I did not go someplace else I stayed home. Yeah, yeah You might think that staying home is boring, but it can be fun when you have 5 siblings like me.

When I was small, I really tried my best to stay away from home. All I want to do was hang out with my friends. I would sometimes miss my organ lessons in exchange for an afternoon of fun with my friends. How stupid of me.

I also tried my best to stay away from my younger siblings Don2x Joy, and Donna because they are irritating and always bickering-- saying remarks like from Don2x: Joy, youre so fatty. I want to squash you. and from Joy: Mom, please save me from my misery with Don2x-- but sadly, to no avail. Donna is just irritating when she screams when she wants to watch the channel ANIMAX on tv. I mean come on, she is just four and to be watching Animax?... where some of the anime are in the Japanese language. Where did the Dora the Explorer and Blues Clues days of her go? It went bye-bye. Now, all she sings are chara wata pa ching ta wushu mawey blah blah blah

But when I went to study here in Iloilo, I suddenly realized that I miss them. You see, I only live with my two older siblings here in Iloilo. And my parents and other siblings are in Aklan.

I miss the bread and the butter which is from Bread and Butter. I miss getting complete school supplies from Blue Star!

I have long ago adjusted to this place. Im not homesick or anything because after all, it also feels like home here. I just miss getting free stuff, asking mom and dad for allowance (and not worrying when my money runs out), unlimited load (Pasaload from mom and dad!), not worrying about the gasoline expenses, and the whole countryside atmosphere of Kalibo.

Anyways, the Ati-Atihan Festival is getting near and I am so excited!!!

But hey!, for now I just realized I better stick here because here, I have a DSL internet connection, movies, and lots of songs in iTunes Plus, I feel this that being here feels just RIGHT


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