Friday, January 20, 2006

i'm sleepy....

ummm... nothing really exciting happened today... uh, it was our humanities day in our school day and boy, was it so boring... we had nothin' better to do than practice for our presentation. We sort of presented a stupid(pardon...) love poem in a verse choir kind of way. Can you believe it? I was even one of the persons who are supposed to do the drama acting thing... and jeez... I looked (i guess...) pathetic and 'duh uh' in a nineteen forgotten outfit. On the other hand, 'twas cool 'coz I wasn't part of the verse choir. I now swear that it was the last time I will ever agree to play such a 'whatever' role... pardon again... lol.

On the other hand, I just might think about it... If the situation counts for it.... I mean, if I'm paired with someone as cool and hot as Tom Welling.... I'll take the part! immediately.. lol.

so damn tired... i'm bored... just finished pimping up my friendster profile.... haven't done that since ages ago... and I decided to be a great big sister by beautifying (if that's what you call it) my younger sister's friendster profile...

uhuh.. and I've been catching up on giving out testimonials to my ever so loving friends.. lol...

according to the trusty computer clock, it says it is now 10:40 PM..
my eyes are really tired.. i need to rest.. don't know why I'm doing this blogging thing..
what the heck... (pardon again).... :)

uh, i forgot. something really embarassing happened to me yesterday.... I want to tell it right now but my eyes can't just take it anymore.. I guess I'll write about it in my next blog entry.. :)

....what's with the smileys :)??????

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Home is where the heart is..

Hey guys! How was your Christmas break? I hope you enjoyed it. Even though many of my classmates say that they had a boring time because they had nothing to do. For me, it was the exact opposite. No, no I did not go someplace else I stayed home. Yeah, yeah You might think that staying home is boring, but it can be fun when you have 5 siblings like me.

When I was small, I really tried my best to stay away from home. All I want to do was hang out with my friends. I would sometimes miss my organ lessons in exchange for an afternoon of fun with my friends. How stupid of me.

I also tried my best to stay away from my younger siblings Don2x Joy, and Donna because they are irritating and always bickering-- saying remarks like from Don2x: Joy, youre so fatty. I want to squash you. and from Joy: Mom, please save me from my misery with Don2x-- but sadly, to no avail. Donna is just irritating when she screams when she wants to watch the channel ANIMAX on tv. I mean come on, she is just four and to be watching Animax?... where some of the anime are in the Japanese language. Where did the Dora the Explorer and Blues Clues days of her go? It went bye-bye. Now, all she sings are chara wata pa ching ta wushu mawey blah blah blah

But when I went to study here in Iloilo, I suddenly realized that I miss them. You see, I only live with my two older siblings here in Iloilo. And my parents and other siblings are in Aklan.

I miss the bread and the butter which is from Bread and Butter. I miss getting complete school supplies from Blue Star!

I have long ago adjusted to this place. Im not homesick or anything because after all, it also feels like home here. I just miss getting free stuff, asking mom and dad for allowance (and not worrying when my money runs out), unlimited load (Pasaload from mom and dad!), not worrying about the gasoline expenses, and the whole countryside atmosphere of Kalibo.

Anyways, the Ati-Atihan Festival is getting near and I am so excited!!!

But hey!, for now I just realized I better stick here because here, I have a DSL internet connection, movies, and lots of songs in iTunes Plus, I feel this that being here feels just RIGHT

US Bombings in Japan: The Injustice

This is a short feature article I wrote for our exams in Social Science. Since I have nothing better to do... I thought I might just share it... Pardon some grammatical flaws... I also made some minor revisions as to the original...

US Bombings in Japan: The Injustice

Upto this time, scholars are still debating over the injustice the bombs caused in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The US did a very drastic move against the Japanese by bombing two major cities in Japan where many innocent people resided. It doesn't matter who started the bombing, and obviously it was the Japanese who first bombed Pearl Harbor which destroyed fleets of ships of the US Navy, but who was to blame? Who is to blame? The Japanese? who took the liberty of destroying the US Naval Army... or the Americans?, who only took revenge.

Yet, I can imagine the great impact if the bombs 'Fat Man' and 'Little Boy' on both Hiroshima and Nagasaki. People who survived to tell the tale talked about the horrified melting faces of people panicking and slowly deteriorating, the destruction if so much property, the heat enveloping them all, and the darkness that suddenly fell over them as though it were Judgment Day. Japan and United States really didn't think the consequences of their actions. They retreated dramstically, to save their pride and country, to the most unhuman moves. It was though bombing each others territories could resolve their issues. I think the fitting motto for them is 'An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth'.

Now, the pain of them all has somewhat go away, but... there is still that thought... and feeling of anger that resides among both Americans and Japanese towards each other. But what more can they do? There is only way... to forgive and forget. Forgive each others faults and weaknesses. Forget the roots of the fight that occurred. All they can do now is to move on and focus on the development of their countries. I hope that there will never come a time when suppressed angers will once again resurface. Just maybe, history will not repeat itself.